Thursday, April 24, 2008

New Discoveries on my Internet Business path

Scrolling and clicking through the links on my Practical Internet Marketing class website after class last Thursday, led me to SBI!, Site Build It! It's listed as a great suite of tools for affiliate marketing in the recommendation. OK...what does that mean?...I asked myself.

Well, after spending days reading all their pages and researching Ken Evoy and his internet business, I took the plunge and signed up with their affiliate program and, then, I plunked down the 300 bucks and became an SBI! site business owner.I am currently on day 2 of the tutorials.

The tutorials are a take-you-by-the-hand set of instructions, which I find very comforting since I am usually jumping around new sites like a ping pong ball, usually accomplishing nothing and spending a massive amount of time doing it.

I have no idea exactly where this new venture will lead, but I will let you know. My plan is to get a website up and running within the next week and then start working on spending time in the affiliate tutorials, learning what that is all about.

Hopefully, by the end of this semester in about a month or so, I will be able to say that I have a functional online 'info-preneur' site generating traffic and conversions and also be generating leads for the affiliate program. Even if I don't make money on these activities, I will be glad to know how to do this stuff.

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